10.5 Occupational Safety and Health Organization
Cal/SHARP California’s SHARP meets the Federal OSHA requirements for a Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Cal/SHARP is offered to all high-hazard employers with fixed or mobile-worksites. When applicants meet the requirements of Cal/SHARP, they receive recognition and may receive an exemption from program inspections by Cal/OSHA Enforcement. When the Cal/SHARP application and approval process is achieved, the worksite may be granted a site exemption from Cal/OSHA Enforcement programmed inspection for 24 months until renewal. I think that waiting 24 months for a site visit is risky. Exposure can come at any time and just because everything was perfect during the time of inspection does not mean that it will take two years for something else to come up. References: https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/cal_vpp/eagle.html