
Showing posts from March, 2018

10.5 Occupational Safety and Health Organization

Cal/SHARP California’s SHARP meets the Federal OSHA requirements for a Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Cal/SHARP is offered to all high-hazard employers with fixed or mobile-worksites. When applicants meet the requirements of Cal/SHARP, they receive recognition and may receive an exemption from program inspections by Cal/OSHA Enforcement. When the Cal/SHARP application and approval process is achieved, the worksite may be granted a site exemption from Cal/OSHA Enforcement programmed inspection for 24 months until renewal. I think that waiting 24 months for a site visit is risky. Exposure can come at any time and just because everything was perfect during the time of inspection does not mean that it will take two years for something else to come up. References:

M10.2 MSDS and ToxNet

My job’s MSDS is located in a big binder that holds potentially hazards chemicals in a preschool. I am going to focus on two frequently used chemicals in the school: Elmer’s Glue Hand Sanitizer What are the health risks associated with this chemical? Elmer’s glue: No information on significant adverse effects for inhalation, skin, or eyes. Hand sanitizer: No acute toxic effects expected by inhalation, ingestion, or contact during anticipated handling or usage. No long term chronic effects. Is the chemical a carcinogen? Elmer’s glue: None of this product’s components are listed by ACGIH, IARC, OSHA, or NTP. Hand sanitizer: Not listed What personal protective equipment or special precautions should be taken when working with this chemical? Elmer’s glue: Under normal conditions no protection is required. Hand sanitizer: N/A If this is a chemical found in your workplace, what training/education were you given about any risks associated with this chemical? When...

M9.4 Heavy Metals

After reading  Lead Poisoning  by Herbert Needleman and the NigeriaCasey article, I now know more of the effects of lead poisoning. Before reading about the history I had no idea that they used it for wine to sweeten it. I am happy to see how the understanding of lead toxicity have advanced throughout the years. The more we know the safer our families are. It is interesting to see how a toxic like lead can lead to behavior problems. It is very unfortunate that children suffer the most.  I am glad that they were able to catch it in Nigeria. My husband is from Nigeria and seeing how the village life is, I am surprised that they caught it and cared to do something about it. Many children lost their lives because of this exposure. People in villages are poor and lack many resources. Fortunately some of them have families in America that do help financially. We have come a long way but still have a long way to go. 

M9.3 Green Chemistry

Green chemistry is a way to reduce pollution. It minimizes or eliminates the hazards of chemical feedstocks, reagents, solvents, and products. I had never heard of the term "green chemistry" before now. With that being said I have done some additional reading and I saw that several companies are now marketing alternative plastics derived from renewable sources .  NatureWorks of Minnetonka, Minnesota, which is owned by the food and agricultural conglomerate Cargill, makes food containers from a polymer called  Ingeo , derived from corn starch. Bacteria convert the starch into a resin that is an alternative to polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the strong, rigid plastic currently used for containers such as water bottles and yogurt pots. In future, the company says, the raw material for Ingeo could come not from fresh corn but from agricultural waste. The 12 principles of green chemistry is a great way to minimize or eliminate the hazards of chemicals. People should begin...

M9.2 Six Chemical Classes

The Six Classes of Chemicals are the chemicals that is known to harm human health that is separated in six classes. The chemicals in these classes can change DNA, cause cancer, and disrupt neurological, reproductive, and hormonal functions.  Highly Fluorinated Chemicals: These chemicals provide stain and water repellency. The health concerns are Kidney and testicular cancer, elevated cholesterol, decreased fertility, thyroid disease, and interference with hormone function. I was surprised to find out about all of the products with highly fluorinated chemicals. One that really stood out to me is the non stick cook ware. It is horrible finding out that a lot of the products that we consider to be convenient is actually more harmful to our bodies. Finding out that the safer substitutes are just as bad shows that we need better regulations. Antimicrobials: Antimicrobials are found in many antibacterial products. The health concerns are disruption of hormone functio...

M8.5 Ideal Chemical Policy

Chemicals are dangerous to us and the environment. I think that community awareness and the requirement for safer substitutes and solutions are essential for an ideal chemical policy. The amount of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables should be disclosed to the public. If people were aware of the different pesticide exposures and toxic chemicals then they would fight  for safer alternatives or just go completely organic.  Dimethoate is an insecticide found in many fruits and vegetables.  Dimethoate is an Organophosphorus compound and symptoms of poisoning with this compound includes but are not limited to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness and other symptoms when being exposed to the skin and eyes. When eating fruits and vegetables people do not expect to receive harmful side effects especially when trying to provide the safest foods for children. Safer alternatives should be enforced for insecticide use.  Reference:

M8.4 Chemical Policy

The Louisville Charter for Safety Policy mentions six steps to reform our nation's chemicals policy. The six steps include: Require safer substitutes and solutions Phase out persistent, bioaccumulative, or highly toxic chemicals  Give the public and workers the full right-to-know and participate Act on early warnings Require comprehensive safety data for all chemicals  Take immediate action to protect communities and workers My group came up with very similar policies. One policy that we mentioned that is not among the charter policies is the requirement of education and awareness at the community level. If more people become aware of the toxic chemicals that they are being exposed to then manufacturers will start to  provide safer substitutes and solutions because people will be less likely to purchase their product.

M8.3 Pesticides

I had Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo for dinner. The ingredients include: Pasta, Alfredo Sauce, Broccoli, Mushrooms, and Tomatoes Broccoli contains 33 pesticide residues Human Health Effects: 3 — Known or Probable Carcinogens 16 — Suspected Hormone Disruptors 6 — Neurotoxins 6 — Developmental or Reproductive Toxins Environmental Effects: 9 — Honeybee Toxins Mushroom contains 11 pesticide residues Human Health Effects: 4 — Known or Probable Carcinogens 5 — Suspected Hormone Disruptors 3 — Neurotoxins 4 — Developmental or Reproductive Toxins Environmental Effects: 5 — Honeybee Toxins Tomatoes contain 35 pesticide residues Human Health Effects: 3 — Known or Probable Carcinogens 4 12 — Suspected Hormone Disruptors 6 — Neurotoxins 3 — Developmental or Reproductive Toxins Environmental Effects: 10 — Honeybee Toxins The few "healthy"ingredients that was added to my food seems to be more harmful than the pasta and Alfredo sau...

M7.8 Topic of Interest

Exposure to Hazardous Substances in the Air and Water I am interested to learn about exposure to hazardous substances in our air and water. This course has made me become very interested in the air that we breath and the water that we drink. There are many agencies that regulate the air and water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are concerned with emissions which are or could be harmful to people. The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six common air pollutants.  EPA also regulates tap water. 

M7.4 Local Environmental Services

Sacramento County's Department of Environmental Services provide many services. Some of the services include:  Food, Pools, and Environmental Health Hazardous Material/Waste CUPA Water Plans & Plan Review Solid Waste There are also programs within the Department of Public Health. I was surprised to see all the services that the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) is in charge of implementing. There are six statewide environmental programs for Sacramento County. The Underground Storage of Hazardous Substance Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMP) requirements Hazardous Waste Generator requirements California Accidental Release Prevention (CAL-ARP) program Uniform Fire Code Hazardous Materials Management plan Above Petroleum Storage (Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measures Plan only) I never knew that there was so much that went into waste management. They are required to have a plan for spills, ways in preventing spills and making sure that everyt...

M7.7 Agency's Role

U.S. Department of Agriculture The U.S. Department of Agriculture's role on environmental health is to provide agriculture production that better nourishes Americans through food, natural resources, rural development, and nutrition. It is their job to preserve our Nation's natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and health private working lands. The USDA manages the changes in food landscaping. They manage food processing and food distribution. Their food safety and inspection services ensures that our nation's meat, poultry, and processed egg supply is safe, wholesome and properly labeled.

6.7 Obesogens

California Harvest Calendar Locally grown and in Season Arugula Asparagus Bean, dried heirloom Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower, Carnival Chard Chicories Collard Corn Endive Fava greens Fennel Garlic, green Kale, lacinato/dino Leeks Mustard greens Nettles Spinach, bloomsdale After reading about the benefits of seasonal/local foods I am going to start buying from local farms because I found that there are quite a few to choose from in my area. I learned about seasonal fruits and vegetables last year and now I have been buying what is in season. I remember wanting to make better choices when eating and incorporating more fruits in my diet but I would get frustrated because I could not pick the right fruits. At the time I did not know that the fruits that I was picking was not in season and that it taste better during its season. I have a seasonal fruit and veggie calendar on my refrigerator that way I can just make my purchase...

6.6 Use of Antibiotics

Antibiotic Resistance 101 Antibiotics should not be given to animals for non therapeutic use. Why give animals antibiotics when it is not needed? There is no reason why 23,000 people died due to AR infections ( Food and Water Watch, 2018). This could have been easily avoided.  Nearby Livestock May Raise 'Superbug' Risk It is unfortunate that a hard to treat staph bacteria like MRSA is becoming resistant to bacteria. Professor Ellen Silbergeld is right,  "Future work should investigate the relationship between intensive livestock operations in the U.S. and exposures to drug-resistant microbes including MRSA" (, 2017). This can become an epidemic that will be hard to control.  Scientists Discover That Antimicrobial Wipes and Soaps May Be Making You (and Society) Sick I actually remember hearing about antimicrobial wipes and soaps not being any better than regular soap. At one point I stopped using hand sanitizer because of this d...

6.4 Industrial Farming

Your thoughts about the vanishing of bees (what else have you heard/seen about this issue?) Honey bees are extremely important to our nation. They do not just provide honey, they pollinate our crops which generates part of our food production. The less amount of bees means that the cost of food will increase. I remember back in 2007 when cell phones were the blame for bees disappearing. At the time I did not think that it was a big deal because I did not know the negative effect that it can put on the environment. Unfortunately the cause for this Colony Collapse Disorder has not been identified. I think that we need to avoid using chemicals and pesticides to treat gardens and bee-friendly flowers should be planted.  Were you able to discover if there is a factory farm near you? Were you already aware of farms near you? What do you think about this?  I did discover a factory farm near me. I was not aware of this factory farm at all. Now that I know that it is bet...