M10.2 MSDS and ToxNet

My job’s MSDS is located in a big binder that holds potentially hazards chemicals in a preschool. I am going to focus on two frequently used chemicals in the school:
Elmer’s Glue
Hand Sanitizer
  • What are the health risks associated with this chemical?
Elmer’s glue: No information on significant adverse effects for inhalation, skin, or eyes.

Hand sanitizer: No acute toxic effects expected by inhalation, ingestion, or contact during anticipated handling or usage. No long term chronic effects.

  • Is the chemical a carcinogen?
Elmer’s glue: None of this product’s components are listed by ACGIH, IARC, OSHA, or NTP.

Hand sanitizer: Not listed

  • What personal protective equipment or special precautions should be taken when working with this chemical?
Elmer’s glue: Under normal conditions no protection is required.

Hand sanitizer: N/A

  • If this is a chemical found in your workplace, what training/education were you given about any risks associated with this chemical?
Whenever a new chemical enters the classroom or the building we have to add it to the MSDS binder. There is one person that is assigned to use the chemical and then every other month during our staff meeting the rest of the staff will get a mandatory safety training in order to use these chemicals in the building. 

Look up the chemical using the ToxNet databases you mastered while viewing the enviRN-EVIDENCE program. Were there any discrepancies regarding the potential health effects noted in the MSDS?

Elmer’s glue: There were no discrespancies regarding the potential health effects. The only thing mentioned in the ToxNet database that the MSDS does not mention is that it may cause irritation.

Hand sanitizer: There were no discrepancies regarding the potential health effects noted in the MSDS. 

I think that MSDS is an adequate tool to use but I think that to be sure you should definitely check toxnet because there is a lot of information missing in the MSDS. The MSDS is very easy to read depending on the kind that your job provides.  It discuss the safety precautions and what to do if there is an exposure to inhalation, skin, ingestion, or eyes. 


  1. If you are working in a medical/dental office ,MSDS is the best resource to provide all the requested information about handling, using, precautions, and exposure management. We already check all of chemicals and dental materials in MSDS.


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