M8.3 Pesticides

I had Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo for dinner.

The ingredients include: Pasta, Alfredo Sauce, Broccoli, Mushrooms, and Tomatoes

Broccoli contains 33 pesticide residues

Human Health Effects:

3Known or Probable Carcinogens
16Suspected Hormone Disruptors
6Developmental or Reproductive Toxins

Environmental Effects:

9Honeybee Toxins

Mushroom contains 11 pesticide residues

Human Health Effects:

4Known or Probable Carcinogens
5Suspected Hormone Disruptors
4Developmental or Reproductive Toxins

Environmental Effects:

5Honeybee Toxins

Tomatoes contain 35 pesticide residues

Human Health Effects:

3Known or Probable Carcinogens4
12Suspected Hormone Disruptors
3Developmental or Reproductive Toxins

Environmental Effects:

10Honeybee Toxins

The few "healthy"ingredients that was added to my food seems to be more harmful than the pasta and Alfredo sauce. I was aware that there were pesticides in or on my fruits and vegetables but I never really thought about the amount and how it can affect my body. Its is really scary to know that I am exposing myself to hormone disruptors and that my children are being exposed to developmental or reproductive toxins. There should be non toxic ways for controlling insects. Toxic pesticides should be banned. Many people do not know that they are putting these toxins in their bodies especially when they are trying to eat healthy. It is unfortunate that we have to spend more money on organic fruits and vegetables in order to avoid the toxins. 


  1. Everyday I learn more about our environment and how many toxins and chemicals are harmful, with all the pesticides, I was partial organic ( milk, egg) but now I'm going to full organic ingredient to protect my family.

  2. I wonder what the health effects of these exposures will look like a few years from now? It's saddening and scary to know how many harmful chemicals enter our bodies through food.


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