M8.4 Chemical Policy

The Louisville Charter for Safety Policy mentions six steps to reform our nation's chemicals policy. The six steps include:

  • Require safer substitutes and solutions
  • Phase out persistent, bioaccumulative, or highly toxic chemicals 
  • Give the public and workers the full right-to-know and participate
  • Act on early warnings
  • Require comprehensive safety data for all chemicals 
  • Take immediate action to protect communities and workers
My group came up with very similar policies. One policy that we mentioned that is not among the charter policies is the requirement of education and awareness at the community level. If more people become aware of the toxic chemicals that they are being exposed to then manufacturers will start to  provide safer substitutes and solutions because people will be less likely to purchase their product.


  1. Education is crucial. The general public should be aware of the harmful effects.

  2. In addition to the awareness and eduction, we need to take an action to change the policy and make all the required amendments.


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